Rollei 6x6 (6060) film back for Hy6 Mod2 (Black)


Cat. No. 58799

Black Rollei 6060 Film back for Hy6 Mod 2

This black 6x6 Film back will fit both all the Hy6/AFi and Mod 2 cameras however the black color matches the Hy6 Mod2 body best. A grey colored unit to match the original Hy6/AFi bodies is available - Cat. No. 58798.

These film backs have the integrated dark slide which makes removal and swaps mid roll very easy.  They have electronic registration of ISO speed, film count, and type (120 or 220) and when you set the ISO on the back, this information is automatically relayed to the camera body.  Comes with one film insert, but extras may be ordered See Cat. No. 58986.    

User note: The film back uses two type LR44 batteries to store ISO and film settings as well as shutter count.  They last a really long time - so long that you never think about them.  The first time they do run out, you won't even remember this back even had batteries.   I keep a couple spares in my bag, because they only run out when you are somewhere where they are hard to find.