April 15th - store updates

Some quick updates on tax day:
- Hy6 Mod2 bodies and 6060 film backs coming in next week. I will have more of the single piece 4560 film backs for the Hy6. The 4560 film backs are no longer in regular production, but the factory did a special run of them recently. I have one available to ship today and will have 2 pieces coming in approximately 1 week. Link here: 4560 film back for Hy6
- A beautiful near mint 2.8F TLR with Planar lens and 12/24 option and leather case came in. This one is beautiful. Meter working and very responsive. Going to shoot a roll of film with it - will be tempting to keep this one for myself. Have misplaced my waiting list - sorry! I know I have a few people on the list for TLR's. Please send me an e-mail. Will post photos soon.
- Decided to sell my Pentax 645z kit - just not using it, was fun to test but just not using it enough to keep. Great value in medium format digital though. $3500 for the camera and 3 autofocus lenses! See photos here: Pentax 645z kit
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