Differences between Rollei 6000 Series Camera bodies

Differences between Rollei 6000 Series Camera bodies

Several people have asked me what the differences are between the 6008AF and Integral 2 models, and sometimes people ask about the differences between 6008 Integral 2 and other models.    Ferdi Stutterheim has put together a fantastic table on his Rolleigraphy.org website so all I need to do is point to it.  Thanks Ferdi!    Here it is in case anyone is looking for it...

 Rolleiflex System 6000 on Rolleigraphy.org


Comments on this post (2)

  • Aug 11, 2022


    Just a heads up that the link in the post is not functional as of 3/17/2022. I was able to find the site, and this is the url for the comparison chart.

    I realize it is almost 10 years later!

    — Ross A

  • Jul 01, 2020

    I just purchased a Roll 6008 src1000 pro base on the experiences I have had with Hasselblad, and Rolleiflex 2.8gx, which is my pride and joy! I just wondering what are the differences between 6008 and 6008 src 1000 professional? And if there is any need for a repair, what are the best places to send it in US? Looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you, Ali

    — Ali Shahrouzi

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