Infrared film on the TLR's and Bay IV Adapter to Filter Ring Tip

Several people have mentioned to me that like shooting infrared films on particularly the TLR's because they can leave the filter in place but still be able to compose and focus with the taking lens.  Not having to remove, focus, and refit the filter for every shot is really handy!    Nice tip! I've got a stockpile of infrared film just waiting for a bit of time to go shoot it, and maybe I'll take my TLR with me now. :-)

But IR filters in Bay IV mounts have been hard to get lately (DHW does stock other bay IV filters), so there are a couple solutions.  The Rolleiflex filter adapter is one and quite handy, but also a bit expensive.  But there are aftermarket Bay IV to filter adapters that might be worth checking out.  See this link to an ebay vendor - that I have no connection with btw - but they look good.  That way you can fit many different types of filters including the IR filter with the cutoff frequency you need. 


Comments on this post (1)

  • Nov 22, 2020

    Excellent idea. This is a great reason to take my Rollei TLR out more often. And, the perfect IR film for this is Rollei 400 iso IR film that comes in 120 size. I’ve actually shot that film in 35mm hand held, but couldn’t see through the viewfinder of my SLR so had to literally point and shoot.. This solves that problem. And, without the IR filter, Rollei IR is not a bad general purpose 400 speed film.

    — Dave Krueger

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